10/24/2015 09:16:00 pm

United Nations 70th Anniversary

24 October, today was 70 years since the founding of the UN. Here's a visual timeline of the UN over the years.

A couple of years back in my History classes, I became slightly more familiar with the United Nations other than the name and it being a group of countries, and a big one at that. Before that, I knew what UNICEF was, and that was about it.
Two years ago, my choir was invited to perform at the United Nations 68th Anniversary Dinner. There were slides on the projector that showed some of their achievements.

Then there was UN Women, which was brought attention by Emma Watson. I watched her speech for He For She.

I only started to actually know about the UN at the start of this year-when I started to go for Model United Nations conferences. UNDP, UNHCR UNSC, UNESCO wasn't just a couple of letters starting with U anymore.

I started to get more interested in current affairs and news, because these are what is happening in the world we live in. Ignorance is bliss until a certain age and a certain time, but after that it becomes oblivion and you are the one at the disadvantage.

There are many positives and negatives of the UN voiced out in this article. "The UN was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell."

And because I love quotes, here are two to end of this relatively short post.

“The United Nations is our one great hope for a peaceful and free world”
-- Ralph J. Bunche

The United Nations stands for the freedom and equality of all peoples, irrespective of race, religion, or ideology. -- Ralph J. Bunche

Update: somehow I mistook the date (supposed to be today, 24 October). So don't be too confused when you see this post again!

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