4/30/2016 09:59:00 pm

April Highlights

With 30 days of April almost over and May just right next door, I thought I'd summarise what happened in April 2016:

  • Had my braces tightened for the first time and changed the colour of rubber bands to blue to grey.
Arts, Books and Hobbies
  • I went on a small photography trip with a friend and a camera.
  • I took lots of photos. Some of them you can find on the blog, some on instagram.
  • I finally started working on my Geography and revision for O levels, after dumping it since 2 Nov 2014- the date of my last Geography IGCSE paper.
  • Blogged more consistently- at least it was better than one post in March, right?
  • Made some changes to the blog design- that will be the only thing that's constant: change.
  • Discovered Kanra's Blog (more like she discovered mine and commented on mine, naturally leading me to hers)- The Lunar Descent.


  1. I feel so behind on your posts it is painful! On another note, glad you're doing art again and is O-level like A-level in England? :)

    1. Haha, no worries, Martin! I'm just glad you're reading them :)
      O level is actually the equivalent of IGCSE, the exam you take when you're 16.


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